Successful landscaping programs align budget to scope to create exceptional first impressions

Landscaping design and maintenance are vital to brand impression. More than 90% of customers say a store’s exterior influences their behavior, and half will avoid a store if the exterior is poorly maintained. At Lessen, we help commercial facilities create and sustain landscaping solutions to attract customers, employees, and tenants.

Through a free scope of work assessment, our experts can provide insights into your design and maintenance operations to ensure you receive ROI.

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Is your landscaping meeting the needs of your customers and employees?

After a comprehensive review, we can provide the right combination of services to help you create exceptional first impressions, elevate brand experiences, and align scope with spend.

With this assessment, you receive:

Quality assurance review to make sure that scope of work aligns with the spend

Brand experience evaluation

Frequency evaluation based on geography and square feet

Cost analysis to remove unnecessary spending, such as municipal violations