Arvind Bobra

Chief Financial Officer

"The energy you put out into the world is what comes back to you.” - Eckhart Toll

My Team

The Finance team focuses on outcomes and works selflessly to ensure all functions we support are set up for success. The various teams work to keep things simple so that all functions can focus their attention on execution and have as much insight into their performance as possible. We minimize meetings and utilize collaboration tools that allow for synchronous communication and collaboration.  Despite our heavy financial rigor, we understand that the customer comes first because happy customers are the pillars of a successful business.

Lessens Learned

For the first two thirds of my life, academic and personal career achievements were my primary focus. However, as I began taking on leadership roles at transformative growth companies, I realized that a collaborative team and a strong culture are the key to exponential results.  

I have been helping transformational growth companies realize their goals for the last 15 years by delivering key financial insights, solving complex problems with simple solutions, and optimally allocating capital to maximize output. I genuinely enjoy the challenges that come with change and growth.
